Quick and Easy Ways to Lift Low Mood

Are you looking for some quick and easy ways to lift low mood?

If you find yourself having a down day here are a few of my favourite ways to help

It can be helpful to remember that we all have days when we’re feeling a bit ‘meh’ and this is completely normal. It’s not realistic to expect to be happy, cheerful and on top form 365 days a year! (That said, if you ARE happy, cheerful and on top form 365 days a year that’s ok too!)

Disclaimer: This should not be seen as a replacement for medical advice so if you have a consistently low mood or feel you’re at risk to yourself or others please get in touch with your GP

How to lift low mood eat protein rich breakfast

Set yourself up for the day with a protein-rich breakfast

If you’re feeling anxious as well as having low mood, you may feel better if you start the day with a high-protein breakfast instead of just toast or cereal. This will help stabilise your blood sugars, keep you fuller for longer and give you a bit of power in your belly (quite literally!)

Try to include plenty of good quality protein in your other meals too.  Often we feel better when we’ve had a good nutritious meal. Add in some fruit or vegetables or a glass of juice to help you get your 5 a day.

lift low mood by listening to uplifting music. Image of sunset with person in yellow coat listening to music via headphones

Listen to uplifting music 

A really quick way to lift low mood is to listen to uplifting music. Whether this is a Housework playlist on Spotify, an album of rousing classical music or another genre you love, put on some lively tunes and turn the volume up a little bit (not too loud!)

If you feel the urge you could dance along to your favourite tunes too, another great mood lifter!

How to lift low mood image of woman holding tv remote and laughing. The woman has long brown hair and is cupping her chin in her left hand

Watch something funny on TV

Find a good comedy film or show to watch on tv and have a good belly laugh. I find things like Friday Night Dinner on Channel 4 really easy to watch and very funny.

Alternatively take yourself to the cinema for the afternoon, even if you go alone. There’s something fabulously naughty about sneaking off to the cinema on your own, especially on a weekday afternoon when the rest of the world is at work!

How to lift low mood declutter something, Image of woman with lots of clutter in a white room

Keep Busy

Distraction can be key to lifting low mood. So either absorb yourself in one of your hobbies, tackle that job you’ve been putting off, declutter something or deep clean part of your home!

Rehome anything you don’t love any more and repurpose things that you do love! Having a clean, organised, clutter-free environment can be be a great help

Lift low mood by making rissotto. Image of a bowl of rissotto

Make Risotto, Soup or Fruit Salad

The beauty of doing this is you get to eat something delicious when you’ve finished.

There is something wonderfully uplifting chopping vegetables into small even pieces, and stirring either a soup or a risotto!

As you really have to focus on what you’re doing you find that your mind starts to unwind and your mood should start to lift a little bit.

lift low mood by wearing make up image of lipsticks on a pink background

Get showered, wash your hair and get dressed

Have a long hot shower, wash your hair, maybe style it or blow dry it, apply make up if that’s something you enjoy and put some nice clothes on. Just looking good and feeling fresh can be a really quick and easy way to lift low mood. 

Sometimes it feels too difficult to get up and dressed but if you possibly can it can help you feel better. If doing all the above feels like too much you could always pick one element. Like washing your face or brushing your hair or even squirting on some of your favourite perfume. Anything to give you a lift.

Lift low mood by setting a timer. Image of rose gold timer set to 25 mins

Set a timer for 25 minutes

There are two ways you can do this. Either set a timer for 25 minutes and sit with how you’re feeling for the 25 minutes and then get up and do something.

Or you can set the timer for 25 minutes and start doing something like a job you’ve been putting off and then once the timer goes off you can decide whether you’d like to take a break or whether you’re in the flow and want to continue.

how to lift low mood

Think about your past experience

Have you felt like this before? If so think back to what happened last time. Chances are it will have all worked out really well.

Your argument with your loved one will have resolved itself in some way or you’ll have found that new house, car or job. Feel reassured that generally things work out in the end.

How to lift low mood hug someone. Image of two women in a field hugging

Hug Someone

Having a hug or a cuddle can work wonders for low mood. It needs to be a heartfelt hug which lasts for at least 20 seconds so that oxytocin can start to be released. If you have no one to cuddle try hugging a soft toy or a pillow for a few minutes.

How to lift low mood switch phone off

Log out of social media for a few hours

There’s nothing worse than feeling a bit low and having your phone keep telling you how great everyone else’s life seems to be going. (It probably isn’t going that well for them either, but it can be very annoying if it looks like everyone is having a very flashy, glossy, life when you’re feeling a bit low)

So if possible either switch your phone off, log out of social media apps or put it on silent for a few hours. If you have young children or caring responsibilities you may not be able to do this but where possible try to disconnect from the artificial world in your pocket for a few hours and see if that helps! 

Lift low mood visit somewhere new, image of ruined abbey on a blue sky background

Have a one day mini-holiday!

 If you have time try going somewhere completely new. This could be to a new town or village, a new beach or to a local tourist attraction that you’ve seen nearby.

It could be as simple as parking at the other end of town and exploring what you find there. Just take your time, take photos if you like or go armed with your sketch book and watercolours and enjoy doing some artwork. Maybe stop off afterwards at their cafe or a local nearby coffee shop for a cup of tea and a fresh scone.

Having a little fresh air and exercise can do you the power of good. 

Top Tip

If you prefer fresh air and old buildings to stuffy gyms consider getting a National Trust or English Heritage Membership or look out for other similar passes so you can pay once and enjoy exploring for little or no extra additional cost. It can be worth reading the handbook that comes with your membership as often they have partner properties or hidden gems that you may not have considered! 

About Sarah Cooper

I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!

If you'd like to book a treatment please go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/book


  1. Keep me updated with anything

  2. Sarah is as good as it gets for wellness treatments and information about the subject

    • Thank you so much for this Charles, that’s made my day


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