Mandarin Essential Oil
Mandarin Essential Oil is one of my favourite essential oils. It is wonderfully calming whilst still being upbeat and uplifting. Great for soothing ruffled feathers, taming bad tempers and calming frayed nerves. Perfect for the run up to Christmas and for stressful times like interviews, exams and driving tests where you need to be calm yet remain fully alert.
All you need for Christmas is… Mandarin Essential Oil.
The very thought of mandarins takes me back to childhood Christmases, where I’d always find a mandarin stuffed into the toe of my Christmas Stocking every Christmas morning. The smell still evokes the memories of Christmases past.
Mandarin Essential oil is one of the gentler essential oils yet still packs a powerful punch. It’s got antiviral and antiseptic properties so great for helping to move on those inevitable winter bugs.
Use in your diffuser or oil burner to help clear the air after illness. Add 3-4 drops of Mandarin into the diffuser with some water and let the mandarin do the work for you. It also smells wonderfully festive which is a bonus.
Great for the Digestive System, for Flatulence and stimulating the metabolism
It’s also great for the digestive system, helping calm flatulence and stimulate the metabolism. Exactly what you need to help you ease the pain induced by those sprouts and for helping your digestive system cope with the overload of calories. It’s useful too in the new year when you want to give your system a gentle detox. If you’re feeling constipated, Mandarin essential oil can help with that too.
Good for PMT, Low Mood and Anxiety
It is good for helping relieve the symptoms of PMT, having an overall soothing and calming effect and helping to lift low mood and anxiety. It’s cheerful aroma helps lift low mood and depression.
Mandarin essential oil is generally thought to be fairly safe in Pregnancy, in small doses and is useful for helping to calm morning sickness. That said, like with everything during pregnancy, if you choose to use mandarin oil, you do so at your own risk. It should always be well diluted in a carrier oil such as Grapeseed if using mandarin oil for massage. NEVER ingest (drink/eat) any essential oil. Never put mandarin oil neat on skin.
Helps heal the skin
Mandarin essential oil is good for helping reduce scarring and for reducing the appearance of stretch marks, especially when blended with lavender and neroli.
Can be useful for treating acne and for balancing greasy skin. Blend 1 drop of mandarin essential oil into 5 ml Jojoba oil and massage gently into face every evening before bed. Jojoba is rebalancing and encourages the skin to produce the right amount of sebum
Mandarin Essential Oil Blends well with:
- Black Pepper,
- Bergamot,
- Frankincense,
- Clary Sage,
- Neroli,
- Sweet Orange
- Lavender,
- Cinnamon,
- Clove,
- Coriander,
- Basil,
- Chamomile,
- Grapefruit,
- Marjoram,
- Petitgrain
- Rose.
Note: Mandarin can be easily overpowered in a blend so add it first and adjust the drops of stronger oils to suit
Did you Know?
When Mandarin essential oil is blended with Frankincense this creates what is known as a synergistic blend.
A synergistic blend is where the two components, when blended together are greater than the sum of the two individual parts. It’s a bit like 2+2 suddenly = 5! It makes a superblend which is very powerful!
3-5 Drops of Mandarin Essential Oil into 15 mils of either fragrance free bath oil or foam or Carrier Oil and blend into a warm bath
For Massage add 2-3 drops of Mandarin Essential oil into 15 mls Carrier oil
Over to you!
What do you love blending Mandarin essential oil with? Please let me know how you use yours in the comments below
I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!
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