7 Effective ways to make the most of your Reflexology treatment or Massage

How to make the most of your Reflexology treatment or Massage

Here are some things you can do to make the most of your reflexology treatment or massage. 

Drink plenty of water and have a light snack

In the run-up to your treatment ensure you are well hydrated. You can do this by having plenty of water or herbal teas, and water-based foods like salads and melon.

This can help you process and eliminate waste products well and can reduce the likelihood of you have a headache after your treatment.

Before your treatment try having a light snack so you’re not hungry. It is a good idea to avoid having a heavy meal or caffeine in the run up to your treatment.

make the most out of your reflexology treatment or massage

Start to slow down

If you normally live life at 100 miles an hour, try taking your foot off the gas in the run-up to your treatment. Try finishing work on time, having some early nights or taking time out for your hobbies. 

Find ways of adding moments of relaxation into your daily routine such as using a meditation app or listening to relaxing music.

There are lots of wonderful meditation and relaxation playlists on streaming services like Spotify or Amazon Music or on Youtube. 

get the most out of your reflexology treatment

Write down anything you need to remember or any worries

Write a list of anything you’ve got to remember or that you’re worried about so you’re not actively having to hold anything in your head during your treatment and so you can completely switch off, relax and let go for an hour. 

7 ways to get the most out of your reflexology treatment switch off your phone

Switch your phone notifications off if possible!

If possible put your phone notifications on silent or switch it off. If having a home visit pop your landline on silent or unplug it during your treatment so you’re not being disturbed by calls, texts and message notifications.

If you have caring responsibilities or small children and need to have it switched on or on loud, then that’s fine 🙂 But if you can, it can make all the difference

7 ways to get the most out of your reflexology treatment rub cream into your feet

Take good care of your feet

In between treatments make a point of taking great care of your feet. Massage a little foot lotion into your feet, especially after having a bath or shower before bed. If you find it hard to sleep this can be particularly helpful as massaging your feet can help you to start to relax and unwind, thus aiding a good nights sleep.

Related Article 



get the most out of your reflexology treatment. by relaxing afterwards. Image of lady relaxing with a book

Allow time afterwards to relax and unwind.

Try to allow at least a couple of hours to relax after your treatment. It can be really helpful to clear your schedule to allow you to rest and recharge.

Whilst nothing bad will happen if you go straight back to work/caring responsibilities afterwards it can be a bit of a jolt.

Taking time to put your feet up and relax, read a book, listen to a podcast, go for a short stroll, flick through a magazine or have a lazy lunch can be just the ticket.

get most out of your reflexology treatment by booking regular appointments. image of woman with laptop

Book Regular Treatments

Booking regular reflexology or massage appointments can help keep you feeling calm and relaxed and help you manage your stress levels.

Treatments can have a ‘snowball’ effect in that every treatment is like adding an extra layer so the more you have the more useful it is.

It is also useful to have treatments with the same therapist so they can get to know what you need and you can feel comfortable with them.

To book your next appointment with me please go to 


To find out more about Reflexology Aftercare advice go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/reflexology-aftercare-advice

To Choose a gorgeous body lotion or foot cream go to https://uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/sjcooper/area/shop-online/category/body/


Sarah Cooper

I am a Reflexologist, Reiki Master Practitioner and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!

If you'd like to book a treatment please go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/book


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