Sarah Cooper Indian Head Massage
Home Visits in Boroughbridge, Ripon and Knaresborough

What is Indian Head Massage?
Indian Head Massage (as its name suggests) is a massage originally from India which focuses on the head, neck, shoulders, face, back and scalp.
Usually deeply relaxing, Indian Head Massage is great for reducing tension in the back, head, neck and face.
It may be helpful for reducing the occurrence of migraines and headaches and for helping the hair look strong and luscious.
Read more about Indian Head Massage in my article ‘What is Indian Head Massage?’

Benefits of Indian Head Massage may include:
- Increasing blood flow to the scalp which aids hair growth
- Relieves Stress
- Relieves tension in the muscles
- Improves concentration
- Improves symptoms of sinusitis
- Alleviates mental exhaustion
- Decreases Insomnia and helps restore good sleep patterns
- Improves movement in upper body muscles such as shoulders and neck
- Increases energy levels

Oil or no oil?
Traditionally, oils are used during Indian Head Massage. The oils used tend to change depending on the season, and each oil has a slightly different purpose.
In the West, oil is often not used, especially if you have an important meeting to go to or if you’re going home on the bus and don’t want to look like you’ve not washed your hair for a while. Where it is practical to use oil, it really adds something to the treatment and is so much nicer with oil.
I normally use either argan oil or sweet almond oil for Indian Head Massage. Often I combine it with some aromatherapy oils such as Rosemary and Cedarwood or Lavender.

Facial Massage
As the massage includes facial massage it is useful to come to your appointment without make up on if possible. I use hot towels which feel comforting and soothing and help to refresh your face before I start.
Chakra Balancing
The final part of Indian Head Massage is rebalancing the top three chakras. Chakras are wheels of energy which can get a bit out of balance by everyday life.
I will hold my hands over your throat area, your third eye and the crown of your head. This normally gives a warm, buzzy feeling which feels good.

How often should I have an Indian Head Massage?
I would say every 1-4 weeks, depending on your schedule, your budget, and what is happening for you.
It may be worth having an initial course of Indian Head Massages close together if you have something specific to work through followed by a treatment every 3-4 weeks as maintenance.
However there is no reason why you couldn’t have them more frequently if you’d like to!
How can I expect to feel after my treatment?
Normally people feel relaxed after having an Indian Head Massage, although some people find that they feel a bit sleepy. Others find that it makes them feel refreshed and ready to face the world again. You may notice a reduction in the tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back or you might find that you’re feeling clearer headed.
Some people find that they’re less irritable after having a treatment, or that they feel a bit more emotional, some people may feel a bit weepy, especially if you’ve been carrying a lot of other people’s emotional baggage for a while.
Sometimes you may feel like you need the loo one way or another after your treatment, and you may feel thirsty for the rest of the day.
If you find that you have a headache or feel a bit fluey drink plenty of water and rest. This is very normal and should pass within 24-48 hours after your treatment.
Read More about Indian Head Massage Aftercare advice in my article ‘Indian Head Massage aftercare advice‘
I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!
If you'd like to book a treatment please go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/book