Menopause Articles

Menopause-related Anxiety. What makes it stop?

Menopause-related anxiety. What it is and what will help? Here are my top tips for a calmer menopause

What helps menopausal brain fog?

What helps menopausal brain fog? Menopausal brain fog affects around 66% of women going through the menopause. It can affect concentration, cognitive function and short term memory. Here are my top tips to help

How to look good during menopause

How to look good during menopause As you go through menopause, the fluctuation of hormones can cause your skin and...

How can I feel better during perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a time of transition between having a regular menstrual cycle and your periods stopping completely....
How to look good during menopause

How to look good during menopause

How to look good during menopause As you go through menopause, the fluctuation of hormones can cause your skin and hair to change. Skin can become dry and start to lose some of its elasticity. Your jowls may start to sag a little and it's not unheard of for spots to...

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What I’ve learned about the menopause

What I’ve learned about the menopause

Things I've learned about the menopause Until relatively recently, the menopause was something I'd heard of but didn't know much about. I figured that it had something to do with periods stopping, but I hadn't a clue when this was going to happen or what it involved....

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Reflexology opening sequence. This is usually deeply relaxing and great for soothing your sole (and your sole!) I start off hy refreshing your feet using hot towels which feels amazing! #reflexology #reflexologytechniques #calming #relaxing #wellbeing #anxiety #stressrelief

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