7 easy ways to get yourself out of a funk

Easy ways to get yourself out of a funk

What is a funk? A funk is one of those low level moods that cause us to feel that we cannot be bothered doing anything. It may be accompanied by a feeling of sadness, boredom or burnout. I’m talking about those times when it feels like your internal fire has gone out.

That you’re stuck in a mundane, humdrum life of paying bills, working and doing boring household chores.

Those times when you’re feeling unmotivated, like you really can’t be arsed! When adulting has lost its appeal* and you really wish you could get stop the world for a while to get off!

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a replacement for medical advice. If you’re clinically depressed or have thoughts of harming yourself or another person please seek help from your GP or contact one of the organisations listed here https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/get-help 

* If adulting ever actually HAD any appeal, haha

easy ways to get yourself out of a funk wrap yourself in a blanket. Image of woman wrapped in white blanket

How do you get yourself out of a funk?


Cocoon yourself for a while

If you are feeling a bit down, it can sometimes help to cocoon yourself from the world for a day or so. Not too long, mind. Just for a short time you could

  • Acknowledge how you feel without judgement
  • Wrap yourself in a blanket,
  • Drink some hot chocolate,
  • Watch a box set on the tv or put on a movie.
  • Listen to your favourite podcast
  • Listen to uplifting music on a streaming service like spotify
  • Put your phone on silent so you’re not having to deal with anyone else’s stuff!
  • Have a nap.
  • Eat some soup (my favourite soup recipes are here https://www.mamacoopskitchen.co.uk/recipe-ideas/soups/
easy ways to get yourself out of a funk take action. image of lady reading in a chair

Take Action

Once you’ve allowed yourself time to cocoon for a while, it’s time to take some action. 

  • Make a list of the things you CAN do, especially if you feel overwhelmed or feel you have little or no control of the situation. There is normally something you can have control over in every given situation. 
  • Get wet! Have a shower, bath or go for a swim. Alternatively, splash cold water on your face and pat dry.
  • Put some sweet orange essential oil into the diffuser and diffuse intermittently throughout the day. 3 drops of essential oil should be enough! To buy your diffuser and essential oil shop here.
easy ways to get yourself out of a funk get moving. Imaqe of a pair of feet in trainers on a decking, walking

Get a move on!

Once you feel ready to face the world again, try having a change of scenery. Getting some fresh air and exercise can be hugely beneficial. So try going for a walk or a run if you prefer. Take along a friend or relative, or go on your own. Or borrow someone’s dog if you don’t have one of your own. 

Alternatively, put on some lively music you can dance to and have a dance around your house. If you’ve got a games console with a game like Just Dance on it, try using that! Exercise is good for increasing feel good endorphins and improving your circulation. 

easy ways to get yourself out of a funk notice things. An image of a lady sniffing sunflowers whilst sat on a blue chair

Slow down! Notice things

Often we’re so busy that we miss the things that make us happy. So take time to slow right down. If you’re outdoors really notice the sights and sounds around you. Feel the grass between your toes or the warmth of the sun on your arms.

Or if it’s raining, the sweet smell of petrichor or the sound of the rain blashing the window pane.

Even sounds of traffic whizzing past or the smell of your neighbour cooking fried onions can help awaken your senses! 

7 easy ways to get yourself out of a funk cook something

Change things up!

As creatures of habit, it’s perfectly possible for us to go through life doing the same old things on repeat! We tend to find our favourite things, like a cosy coffee shop that we love getting our cappuccino from, or a certain car park to park in.  Or we might always get the same thing from the takeaway every time we get a take out.

Whilst there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with having a favourite or not making new choices every time, sometimes we need to try something new. It can get a bit boring drifting through life doing what we always do! Maybe it is time to live a little and try something completely new!

Shake things up by parking in a different part of town. Go to a different coffee shop/pub/restaurant or order something completely different to usual.

If you’re at home cook something completely different. Experiment with a different style of cooking, some new ingredients or if you’re feeling brave, create a whole new dish using what you have available to you.

easy ways to get yourself out of a funk start a project

Start a project or do something fun or creative

Often as adults we don’t get time to have fun. One of the easiest ways to get yourself out of a funk is to find something fun to do! If you’ve been meaning to start a project, whether it is a craft project, a work-based project or updating the decor in your home, now would be a good time to get it underway! The excitement of planning the project can easily be enough to put a smile back on your face. 

If you don’t fancy starting a new project, maybe try getting some art materials. lego or stickers and just playing for an hour or two.

Or you could upcycle some furniture,  or move some of your existing furniture around to give your home a fresh look. 

If you have access to a trampoline and your pelvic floor can stand it, having a good bounce on that can lift your mood!

Other things you can try include

  • Baking
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Organising/ decluttering
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Learning something new like a language
  •  Anything that gives you a sense of achievement!
easy ways to get yourself out of a funk write someone a letter. image of lady writing a letter by hand

Do something nice for someone else

A very quick and easy way to get yourself out of a funk is to do something nice for someone else.

This could be

  • Writing a handwritten letter or card to someone you’ve not spoken to for a while
  • Baking someone a cake or cookies
  • Donating time, money or stuff to a charity
  • Mentoring someone 
  • Calling a relative or friend to see if they’re ok
  • Helping a friend or neighbour run errands 

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Over to you!

What do what easy ways have you found to get yourself out of a funk? Please let me know in the comments below


About Sarah Cooper

I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!

If you'd like to book a treatment please go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/book


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