Basil Essential Oil – Cheerful, Uplifting and great for clearing the mind!

Introducing Basil Essential Oil.

Basil Essential oil (or Ocimum Basilicum to give it its botanical name) is a bright, cheerful oil. It’s great for clearing the mind and for relieving headaches

Note: Top

Plant Family: Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Plant Source: Leaves and Flowers of the whole basil plant

Countries of Origin: Originally Africa nad Asia, but now from Italy, France and the USA

Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation

Therapeutic action of basil essential oil

Therapeutic Action of Basil Oil:

  • Uplifting
  • Antidepressant
  • Clears the head
  • Aids Concentration
  • Helps ease headaches
  • Antispasmodic
  • Brings Clarity
  • Analgesic
  • Helps with focus
  • Good for digestion
  • Antiseptic
  • Emmenagogue

For the digestive system

Basil Essential oil is great for the digestive system. Its anti-spasmodic properties mean that it can be useful for relieving the symptoms of stomach ache and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also good for increasing appetite. 

basil essential oil helpful for irritable bowel syndrome

Antiseptic, prophylactic (helps prevent disease)

Like many essential oils, Basil has antiseptic properties. It is also a prophylactic, helping prevent disease.

Helpful for periods

Basil is an emmenagogue which may be useful for women suffering from very light, absent or scanty periods but should NOT be used in pregnancy for this same reason

Respiratory System

Basil essential oil has a clearing and expectorant effect which makes it great for clearing congestion, sinusitis, influenza, asthma, bronchitis and cattarh

Calming, useful for anxiety , warming

Basil can be used for anxiety, calming frayed nerves and has a calming effect. It is also warming

Revitalising, Relieves exhaustion

Basil is great for giving you a little pick me up when you’re feeling physically or emotionally tired.

Analgesic, helps relieve pain

Basil is helpful in relieving pain, especially the pain associated with muscle spasms. Helps relieve pain associated with rheumatism and gout

Anti-inflammatory, good for acne

Basil essential oil is useful for treating acne as it has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being antiseptic and bacteriacide. It’s anti-inflammatory effects are useful for wasp stings as they can calm and soothe the sting site

Insecticide and Insect Repellant

Insects really do not like basil oil so it makes a great insect repellant. It also has insecticide properties.

Stimulating or stupefying depending how much you use!

Basil essential oil has a very curious property in that it has stimulating effects if used in small quantities but when used in excess it can be stupefying! You have been warned!

uses of basil essential oil

How to use Basil Essential Oil

Use in a Diffuser

Add 3-4 drops of essential oil into a diffuser along with the recommended amount of water.

 This is especially good for relieving the pain of headaches and for clearing congestion in the sinuses

cold compress

Make a Compress

Add a couple of drops of basil essential oil into a teaspoonful of carrier oil (like grapeseed or sweet almond oil) and stir into a bowl of cold water. Dip a flannel into the water and squeeze the excess water out.

Apply to the affected area, avoiding the eyes.


Safety Data

  • Basil can irritate sensitive skin so it is vital that you do a patch test before using it on skin
  • Basil must be well diluted with a carrier oil if using on skin or in a compress
  • Sensitivity can occur if you use basil oil for prolonged periods or if you use it frequently
  • Do NOT use in pregnancy
  • Do NOT use whilst breastfeeding
  • Do NOT use on children under the age of 15
  • Hepatoxic do NOT use if you have a liver problem
  • Can be too stimulating for people living with epilepsy best to avoid using
  • Basil is NOT suitable for people with insomnia or who struggle to sleep.
  • As basil essential oil is stimulating it is best kept for the early part of the day, or if you are having a long night out. If you’re planning on having an early night do NOT use after 6pm!
  • Do NOT take internally (ingest) any essential oil
  • Do NOT use on pets


basil esssential oil blends well with

Basil Essential Oil Blends well with


Always consult a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils, especially if you are having treatment for any condition or are taking medications or homeopathic remedies as there may be an interaction.

DO NOT ingest essential oils

Do NOT use essential oils whilst pregnant or breastfeeding unless advised to do so by a qualified Aromatherapist

Buy Basil Oil Click Here   Disclosure: I will recieve a small percentage from any sales made via this link. 

Have you tried Basil Essential Oil? Has it helped you?

Please leave me a comment in the box below

About Sarah Cooper

I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!

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