10 quick ways to make yourself feel fantastic

Here’s 10 top ways to make you feel fantastic! They’re all simple things that make a huge impact on how you feel without breaking the bank or taking ages.  We all deserve to feel good, look great and have a fabulous life. If you find these tips helpful please share with your friends. 

take a shower

1. Take a Shower

Having a long hot shower can be very therapeutic. Wash your hair and condition it thoroughly. Give yourself a thorough pamper whilst in the shower. Use a good quality soap or shower gel and imagine the water washing away any worries and negativity as it goes down the drain. Imagine the shower to be cascading you with golden light, nurturing you and replenishing you. Once you’re out of the shower, wrap yourself up in the biggest, fluffiest towel you can find and dry your hair. Moisturise your body with a good quality body lotion if you have one.

dress to impress

2. Dress to Impress!

Once you’ve had a shower and blown dry your hair, put on clothes that make you feel fantastic. It doesn’t matter if it’s a special occasion or not, wear what makes you feel great!  If you enjoy wearing makeup put some of that one too. Know that you look GREAT!

Stay Hydrated

3. Feel Fantastic Tip: Stay Hydrated

If you stay well hydrated, you not only look good on the outside but you feel fantastic on the inside too. Having enough water helps flush out toxin and waste products, keeps your body in good working order, helps keep your head clear and helps prevent headaches

Reflexology is not an alternative therapy

4. Don’t sweat the small stuff

In life stuff happens. Life isn’t always smooth and we all make mistakes. Some of which are only minor, others not so much. We can’t change what has happened but we can change the way we feel about things. Only worry about the things you can’t change. If you can’t change it, don’t worry about it! 

look for the good in everyone

5. Look for the best in people.

Everyone has some good in them, even though in some people’s cases it can be hard to find at first glimpse. Everyone is doing their absolute best, given the resources, skills, knowledge and experience that they have available to them.

It can be helpful to view people with kind eyes. This doesn’t mean you can be a complete mug and let people walk all over you, but it does mean that we can look at others in a kind way. 

By learning to be kind to others, eventually we can apply this to ourselves. Often we are our own harshest critics and would benefit greatly for being as kind to ourselves as we are to others.

you are enough

6. Realise it’s never about you!

If you don’t get that job or promotion, or you’re not asked to do something or invited out. Remember it’s not about you. People are looking for something specific (usually what they think they need or want!) try not to take rejection personally. It really is not about you.

balanced diet

7. Eat a well-balanced diet

This doesn’t mean eating half a celery stick for breakfast and the other half for dinner. It’s about getting enough fruit and vegetables and protein, a sensible amount of carbohydrates, tailored to how much exercise you’re doing (or not as the case may be!) But it’s also about allowing yourself to have treats occasionally and to savour what you do eat. If possible eat at the table and take your time.

Try not to eat at your desk/running round the kitchen/in the car on your way to work. Making food look nicely presented can also add to the enjoyment of it. So get out your best china, use those glasses Auntie Joan gave you for your wedding day and make every day an occasion.

be kind to yourself

8. Be kind to yourself

We’ve already touched on this one, but being kind to yourself is so important. Ensure you notice when things are going well, when you’ve taken a step out of your comfort zone or told someone that you’re not willing to do whatever they’re asking you to do.

Celebrate every little baby step along the way. Take a little look back and see how far you’ve come.

Make sure you speak kindly to yourself at all times. Experiments show that pot plants tend to wither and die if they get shouted at and that meme going around saying that people are just pot plants with complicated emotions is so true. If you wouldn’t berate your pot plant for getting something wrong, don’t berate yourself. (If you would shout at a pot plant, you might need to seek help!)


9. Be chilled when you make a mistake

When you get something wrong (which you inevitably will, we all do!) be as calm as possible. If there is nothing we can do to rectify the situation, accepting it and learning from it is all we can do.

As a younger person I once misread a recipe for a tea-loaf and added in half a pint too much tea. Which resulted in a sloppy mess and me feeling like I was a rubbish cook. This is far from the truth of the matter, I am a good cook, I was just having a bad day and I’d just made a mistake!

the future will take care of itself

10. Know that the future will take care of itself

Often we worry about the future, trying to control outcomes and lying awake at night every night worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet.
Usually the future works out for the best, even if you don’t quite get the life you’d envisaged. Often the universe has something better waiting around the corner so instead of worrying about what might be and all the bad things that could happen, remind yourself that everything usually works out well in the end.

What’s YOUR top tip for feeling fantastic?

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About Sarah Cooper

I am a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Writer from Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire. I love writing about Health and Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit and Reflexology. When I'm not at work, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a storm!

If you'd like to book a treatment please go to https://www.sarahcooper.co.uk/book


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Reflexology opening sequence. This is usually deeply relaxing and great for soothing your sole (and your sole!) I start off hy refreshing your feet using hot towels which feels amazing! #reflexology #reflexologytechniques #calming #relaxing #wellbeing #anxiety #stressrelief

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